Dreamstreams |
Both the earth and our bodies are over 75% water. Dancing in a cycle of forms from the solid ice, to vapor in the sky, or flowing as a mountain stream into the infinite ocean of awareness, the water of life again becomes the mist, lifting to the sky and blending with the air. Floating on the winds of change, it returns to Earth again in fluid form, cycles upon cycles of interconnectedness.
"Dreamstreams is an experience of the flow of matter into the center of completeness, the essence beyond, the molecular level of perceived solidity. As the essence builds in lightness and expands in understanding, so too the flow of dreams, of waking knowingness opens us. If what we really know is more than now, our dreams will beam us through, so smooth the glide into eternity.
"The flow of energy and ideas constantly moving through our lives is the stream of consciousness bringing in its purest form exaltation and wonder. This is the infinite, open, anything-may-happen space that we are all involved with. Life is by definition alive, full and kicking, ready to go in uncharted directions for unfoldings of wonder beyond our wildest dreams. Awaiting us is the future, as unfettered by the past as we dare, and as real in the moment as the air we breathe. Breathe in knowing that anything...anything is possible."
Length: 72 Minutes |