The Spine Wrap is a Nature Creation original design. This is a long herb pack with a Velcro belt attached to it. It is designed to go around your lower back, stomach and down your spine. The Velcro belt secures the pack in place and you are free to walk around with it at any time. The Spine Wrap measures 16.5" by 8".
Microwave Heating Time: 1.5 to 2 minutes
Instructions for Use
To use hot:
Place the pack in the microwave for the applicable heating time. If the microwave does not have a turntable, flip the pack over half way through the heating process to avoid burning. Each microwave provides heat differently.
To avoid burning the pack, it is necessary to check the pack every 30 seconds while it is heating. If the pack needs additional heating time, heat it for another 15 seconds until the desired heat is achieved.
For moist heat:
Mist the pack with water before heating. Do not soak or over mist.
To reheat:
Place the pack in the microwave or oven and heat for about half of the original heating time.
To use cold:
Place the pack in a plastic, sealable bag and put in the freezer for 1 to 2 hours.
The pack will stay cold, dry and flexible for approximately 30 minutes.
Place the pack in a plastic, sealable bag in the freezer when not in use.
To clean the pack:
Wipe the pack with a damp cloth and lay flat to dry.
Caution: For external use only. Do not overheat. Overheating will cause burns. Some side affects may occur for people suffering from allergies.